Tuesday 26 July 2011

Mighty Mo and the miscommunication misshapp

Mighty Mo and the miscommunication misshapp

Yesterday I went to refuge baptist church school to do my usual days work however the school was closed! Me being such a sensible and responsible young man used my initiavtive and made my way to the women of glory.( Mo might have a different opinion on the matter lool) Kebeh welcomed me with open arms and taught me how to make beaded jewlerry.


I was skeptical at first but began to really enjoy making the bangle, bracelet and necklace. Making the jewlerry required patience and care, I found threaded the beads very theraputic. The first half of the day went quick because i was enjoying myself so much before I could say BANKU it was lunch time.


Me Paris, Holly and Jessica went to lunch in our usual spot and i was very hungry. I orderd chips and as the women came up the stairs Mo, Ben and his mum were behind her and I was totally shocked. I knew I had to tell Mo that I didnt go to the school but I spent half the day bead making :/ she was not a happy bunny.


When the day was over and Mo returned to the hotel she had a word with me and i understood her frustration because beadmaking wasnt stretching me. The day came to a close and I had a good day considering the circumstances :)


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