Thursday 14 July 2011

Day 1

Mo was absouloutly livid with the hotel we was staying at and decided enough was enough so we were booked into Sora Boffa. We left the old hotel at 7 am and then made our way to the new one. The bus journey really underlined one of the main reasons I wanted to go on the trip. Seeing the Ghanians getting on with their day to day activities in their enviroment was enlightening. Young childeren were walking around selling mothers cooking and men doing some serious construction work which looked exhausting. I was observing my surroundings whilst being jerked side to side by the uncomfterble bus and hitting my head multiple times. ( Dont Laugh Nathan!)

We had arrived at the new hotel and some of the group we impressed some dissapointed. Personally I liked the new hotels atmosphere and the room i was given was alot more equiped. I literally had to drop my bags in my room and gather with the group in preparation of the trip to town. The bus stopped and everyone got off as we arrived and the first thing i noticed was the smell. To be honest it smelt like a bin. We walked through the market and it wasnt like anything I had ever experianced before it was totally different to Deptford market. It was extremely hectic ,hot and smelly but it allowed me to understand how people interacted in Ghana. As we was walking a lady who was selling crabs shouted " Hey nigger with the earrings come here baby!" I didnt know whether to turn around or run looool. We came to the end of the market and eventually reached the restaurant by this time it had started to rain which added to the dampness of my back added to the sweat.

The group sat down and began ordering, for the time iv been in Ghana I havent experimented with food yet, I didnt experiment this time either. I orderded chicken burger and chips and paitently waited. The food was taking very long so Mr Ofari had a word with the chef and my chicken burger shortly arrived. The food was nice and the chicken burger was huge! Once I had finished I went outside and Holly and Jessica followed. We were suddenly approached by two men who were selling beads and paintings. Although they were there too make money one salesman had other intentions for the ladies. Me being the good guy I am; said they were both my wives one cooks and one cleans and he backed off ...... for a while he was very persistant.

After everyone had finished and pruchased all the jewllery and paintings they wanted we made our way back to the hotel. As we got there it was evidant a party was going on and I was desperate to join. I went to my room had a wash and came staight back out and got to know the birthday girl and her family. The rest of the group came out a little later and I introduced everyone but the group were still unsure.

Although i wanted to party I had to accompany ben to his house and jameela said she would come with me. The journey was supposed to be ten minutes accordding to ben but it was alot longer but still a great experiance none the less. Leading up to Bens house there was literally a swamp surrounded by an army of frogs. Me and Jameela were brave and just blocked out the noises and kept our cool. Once Ben had his things we made our way back to the hotel and soon after feel asleep.

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