Thursday 14 July 2011

were here!

After the long build up were here! I waved my Mum, Nann and Brother off and lumped my suitcase onto the minibus. I was a mixed bag of emotions for the whole coach jorney ( I DID NOT CRY!) just gazing out the window with my headfones in. I felt lossed for a while then I digged into my bag to search for my camera then I found a picture of my family with a note at the back which gave me reassurance.

After about an hour and a half we reached Heathrow and checked in. We then had to send our bags away once Id done it the lady asked for my passport and yellow fever certificate. I passed it to her with no hesitation then she replied "Were is your yellow fever certificate?!" I can confirm I was "shitting it." Luckily I found it on the suitcase trolly and was completly reliefed.

Once we had done that we went to the duty free and it was great timing because I was absoloustly starving. I left the group and had a wonder by myself and hapenned to stumbble across a bar :) ! I had a pint and ordered a portion of chips and didnt recieve a portion just a handful and ate it in a couple seconds.... (literally)

Bording the plane was simple and smooth along with the flight itself. As I stepped off the plane in Ghana it was absouloutly amazing. The heat was so overwhelming I could barely breath! We had to pass through immagration which took a while then got escorted to the cab where we were bombarded by people asking for money and hello magazines ? : s

Driving through Accra was a total contrast to my usual lifestyle. People were carrying heavy loads on their heads, standing on top of cars and running everywhere a it was only 7 am Lewisham isnt even open at those times! Everyone looked extremely busy and had purposefull body language which was a good site to see.

Once we arrived in the hotel it looked amazing from the outside with a hut area to chill in restaurant and bar, however inside wasnt as sophisticated and Moe was not pleased. Their was word through the grapevine that we are going to move because Moe was unhappy with the conditions. It was now breakfast time and to be completely honest i wasnt looking foward to it even though i was very hungry because i didnt know what to expect. In contrast to my pesimistic beliefs and assumptions the food was abosoloutly amazing. We had bread and vegetable omelete accompnied with ( BOTTLED) water. The bread was unlike any other bread I have eaten before it was similar to hardough bread but slightly more doughy and sweeter. The omelete was cooked to perfection and had various vegetables in it to give it that slight crunch.

This was how my two days panned out I miss absouloutly everyone and everything however I feel il be fine out here and will remain positive for myself and the group.

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