Tuesday 2 August 2011

Cultural Kumasi

Today we were all dressed up to meet the chief of the asante tribe. We had a long drive the night before so everyone was tired. We set off to the asante palace and I was upset because the chief was currently in London. The asante palace was a museum the tour guide showed us a DVD about the tribe and then escorted us through the museum. It was extremely interesting the asante tribe were a very powerful group of people. They had a lot of customs and symbols which were intriguing.

The tour finished and we then headed to lunch at a lady named Harriets house. I ate plain rice and boiled potatoes : / . She was very welcoming, had 3 rowdy dogs and a lovely house. From her house we went to the cultural centre to buy gifts. There was lovely jewellery instruments and carvings there.
By this time I was extremely tired and we had to go back to Harriets for dinner, I ate plain spaghetti and plantain accompanied with a cold coke. Harriet needed to go to Accra so she came on the bus with us on the painstaking journey back home. My knee was in excruciating pain but I took it like a man and kept quite. The roads were extremely bad which made it hard to sleep.
We eventually got home and i got my key opened my door and went to sleep!

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