Saturday 6 August 2011

Every Finish Line Is The Begininng Of A New Race

This has been the last week of our life changing experience in the Gold Coast. I personally have had struggles in which iv had to strive through in order to survive. Ghana has a special ambiance everywhere from Accra to Kumasi to Cape Coast. The people make the place here, its mind blowing. On numerous occasions iv been strolling down the rocky road lost in taught until my bubble is broken by a was-sup or cool homie. Iv met people iv never met before but feel as though were connected its as if everyone is one big family.
I have had to deal with my internal issues and the problems I'm faced with yet my eyes stray to the issues the Ghanaians face on a day to day basis. I have had to sit on buses with cracked roofs and floors, excreted in holes in the ground and sat in a mosquito infested school however I can go home. The children and people I have worked with are a credit to the human race and have an unbreakable dignity. Everywhere you go there's music blaring and people dancing and singing having a great time leaving there problems at their doorstep.
In comparison to England, Ghana is obviously less developed and needs work however Ghana has priceless aspects. Ghana has spirit and its literally unexplainable. Ghana has something indescribable about it you would have to experience it to comprehend. It has a interesting people which has given it interesting history. The tribes that inhabit Ghana have their own symbols, languages and rituals we have deep meaning.
This trip has given me a new lease on life ( I know its sounds cheesyier than a pack of quavers but im being serious) I don't want to settle and just manage I now have goals, ambitions and aims. I do not want to just "jam" I want to explore the world venture out in order to discover more about myself and people in general.

If their is one thing this trip has taught me it is that owning your mistakes are worth more than owning your success. Everything that happens in life is neither bad nor good. If  their wasn't struggle on this trip I wouldn't have learnt any lessons or developed as i have.      This trip feels like a stepping stone to a new me and I know it will give me a sustainable drive for the rest of my years.

1 comment:

  1. touched to read about your shifts and insights about self and ahve grown and i trust all the lessons and blessings..highs and lows guide you as you venture forth. One love and peace. well done my dear
